Death Watch - Making Them Match

Warhammer 40,000 – One of my clients is pretty good at finding great deals and rescuing models from the used bins. Most recently he acquired a fully-painted Death Watch force to add to his own. It had a very different theme than what he has been using as well as some unique weapon load-outs. Of course the problem with picking up a “fully-painted” force is they rarely match your existing force. Often people use the GW painting guides and you get lucky that they are close-enough and other times the previous owner put their own twist on it.

This is one of those “Unique-Twist” situations. Luckily the paint wasn’t gobbed on and I was able to make some adjustments. Essentially this became a 3C+Wash job as I only needed to bring the black, gunmetal and red in line with what I’ve done on the rest of the force. It takes a little time but the end result is worth it.