First Company - What's the Fate of Terminators?

Warhammer 40,000 – As many of my clients prep for 9th Edition Warhammer 40,000, I’ve been getting quite a few random units on my painting table. This latest batch is a unit of Terminators for the Ultramarines along with a Terminator Captain.

Terminators have always been one of the cooler models in the Space Marine range. Specialized tactical drednought armor for the best of the best. Most Chapters only allow their first company veterans to wear this special armor said to be imbued with a tiny shard of the Emperor’s own golden armor. These units are typically best used in tightly packed spaces like starships or tunnel complexes, able to teleport directly into the action they excel at being a surgical strike.

On the tabletop Terminators have always been over-costed and never really live up to their fearsome reputation. Massed fire counteracts the amazing 2+ save and these veterans are limited to a very specific weapon load-out that suffers from the limited number of attacks they can put out. But regardless of their shortcomings Terminators look amazing on the table.

As Primaris Marines continue to get more models added to the line, it becomes very obvious that traditional marines are getting phased out. Gravis Armour seems to be the direction the big boys will be taking to replace these venerable warriors.