Warlocks - Finally in Plastic

Warhammer 40,000 – A new book means new units for existing armies, it’s one of the rules of the universe. Aeldari players can rejoice that more of their line is being updated to plastic.

Blue and Gold - Eldar Finished

Warhammer 40,000 – This batch of models completes a good size force of space elves. A pretty simple color scheme at my basic level can get a nice looking army of the table quickly. This is ideal for players that want to get those 10 points for being fully painted in ninth edition without breaking the bank.

Alaitoc Aeldari - Craftworld Mono Faction?

Alaitoc Aeldari - Craftworld Mono Faction?

Warhammer 40,000 – I haven’t painted Eldar very often, in fact I can’t remember the last time I put paint to a pointy eared space elf. My most recent project is a fairly large Alaitoc force, you know the -1 to hit flavor of Eldar. Oddly enough this for contains zero rangers. I don’t understand how it is the sneaky faction wears bright yellow helmets but whatever I’ll chalk it up to alien shenanigans.

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