Deathwing and Death Korp - Notice a Trend?

Warhammer 40,000 – Sometimes I feel the names in Warhammer are a bit one dimensional, especially when you get a variety of armies that have similar names for example there’s Deathguard, Deathwing, Death Korp, Deathwatch and I’m sure there’s a bunch more.

In this batch I painted up a few Relic Terminators in the bone Deathwing scheme as well as several sets of the new plastic Death Korp of Krieg infantry models from the new edition of Kill Team. While I really like the new models, I don’t care for the revised game.

I’m sure the game is better with the revised rules and weird symbol based movement, but for me it feels to similar to other skirmish games that do a better job like Marvel: Crisis Protocol. The appeal of the previous edition of Kill Team was how close to 40k it was while being a different scale with a little more customization. It really felt like the in-between step between 40K and Necromunda. Honestly the new edition is probably fine and will catch up, but I have all the books for the old system (including the one that came out months before the rerelease, another sore point) so I can just build forces using that and enjoy it when I want to play a skirmish game in the Grim Dark.

Deathwing – Dark Angels Additions

Warhammer 40,000 – I love the bone color of Dark Angels terminators, the look of a mixed fully painted force on the table is impressive with any faction but with the Dark Angels it’s particularly cool because of the stark contrast between the first, second and battle companies.