A Cast of Thousands

Warhammer 40,000 - Sometimes it seems like an army is never finished. This batch of Thousands Sons is the latest addition to one of the two different forces I’ve been painting for the last year or so.

More Thousand Sons

Warhammer 40,000 - I’ve been painting a ton of teal and gold lately, I have two separate Thousand Sons forces that keep getting more models added to them. The models are great but the level of detail on these puts a crimp in my process as they take forever to paint.

Thousand Sons - Growing the Cabal

Warhammer 40,000 – Thousand Sons are a pretty solid army, particularly with big blobs of terminators that can be buffed up to be nearly impossible to kill. As such I seem to be getting plenty of these boys in blue coming across my table.

With this batch a Termite has been added to the force just because deep-striking these guys with a giant melta gun seems pretty good.

Taming the Primordial Ocean

Warhammer 40,000 – Thousand Sons are a tragic story of the best intentions going horribly wrong. These space marines fell during the Heresy because their Primarch was attempting to tattle on Horus and in the process messed up the Emperor’s great plan. As punishment their home planet was destroyed by the Space Wolves and the chapter was declared traitor.

This chapter has a very Egyptian flair which influences the color scheme and model line. While the models are amazing looking they’re a real pain to paint. Putting in the time to do it right is totally worth it though.

How To Paint Thousand Sons - Quickly

Warhammer 40,000 – Thousand Sons are a notoriously hard to paint army, this is my technique for getting them to tabletop quality quickly.