Chasing the Meta - Tzeetch

Warhammer 40,000 - Unfortunately in a game with an ever changing ruleset sometimes you get behind the changes and an idea you had just isn’t as good as it was before. Flamers while still good just aren’t as brokenly amazing as they were before the balance dataslate, hooefully these guys will still get to see the table.

Escalation League - Week 4

Escalation League - Week 4

Warhammer 40,000 – This week I'm going to try out a list I plan on taking to RIW Hobbies Escalation Event. It's an interesting format as you start with 500 points and then add another each round. Essrntially playing a slow grow league in the course of a day. Several other local groups just did escalation leagues so it makes sense to give players a chance to test their mettle in a single day event. 

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