Thousand Sons Kill Team

Warhammer 40,000 – Happy New Year! I’ve never had the opportunity to play against the Thousand Sons in Kill Team, however I have a regular 40K opponent that plays them and he’s mentioned they’re tough to pull off in Kill Team. This set is part of a matched set for a travel Kill Team set, the other half consists of the Grey Knights I painted up last year.

Thousand Sons Chaos Space Marines are known for the extensive amount of trim every model has, as well as a ridiculous amount of little details. To account for this I tried painting these guys up a little differently, by painting and shading the whole model gold to start I was able to avoid the headache of gold trim. Sure I still had to touch up some of the gold, but filling in the flat areas with a thinned down blue was significantly less annoying.

These models are painted to my high end tabletop standard, which means there are several layers of highlights and shading.